सोमवार, 22 अक्टूबर 2007


Special Edition Using Microsoft® Visual StudioTM for Enterprise Development

Table of Contents:
Part I - Application Development with Visual Studio
Chapter 1 - An Inside Look at Visual Studio 97
Chapter 2 - Using Visual Studio to Create Applications
Chapter 3 - Creating Database-Aware Applications with Visual Studio
Part II - Creating Controls and Components for Reuse
Chapter 4 - Using Microsoft's Object Technologies
Chapter 5 - Creating ActiveX Components with Visual Basic
Chapter 6 - Creating Components with Visual C++
Chapter 7 - Creating Components with Visual J++
Chapter 8 - Using ActiveX Client Components in an I-net Environment
Chapter 9 - Using ActiveX Components in a Client/Server Environment
Part III - Developing Internet, Intranet, and Extranet Applications
Chapter 10 - Clients, Servers, and Components: Web-Based Applications
Chapter 11 - An Inside Look at Web-Based Applications
Chapter 12 - Creating Web Browser-Based Applications with Visual Basic
Chapter 13 - An Inside Look at Active Server Pages and Internet Information Server
Chapter 14 - Developing Active Content with Visual InterDev
Chapter 15 - Advanced Visual InterDev Concepts
Chapter 16 - Visual InterDev Design-Time Controls
Chapter 17 - Server-Side Programming in an I-net Environment
Chapter 18 - Dynamic HTML
Chapter 19 - Enabling Existing Applications for I-net Environments
Part IV - Developing Scalable Distributed Applications
Chapter 20 - Clients, Servers, and Components: Design Strategies for Distributed Applications
Chapter 21 - Creating Distributed Applications
Chapter 22 - Building Client Front Ends with Visual Basic and RDO
Chapter 23 - Building Client Front Ends with Visual Basic and ADO
Chapter 24 - Deploying Distributed Applications
Chapter 25 - Using Microsoft Transaction Server to Enable Distributed Applications
Part V - Team Development with Visual Studio
Chapter 26 - Using Visual SourceSafe
Chapter 27 - System Modeling and Microsoft Visual Modeler
Chapter 28 - The Microsoft Repository


CodeNotes for .NET eBook (PDF format)
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C# Tutorial Contents
Lesson 1
Introducing the .NET framework
Lesson 2
Comparing C# to C++ and Java
- C# versus Java
- C# versus C++
Lesson 3
Getting Started
- A First C# Program: 'Hello World'
Lesson 4
Variable Types (1): Reference Types and Value Types
- Value Types
- Reference Types
- Escape Sequences and Verbatim Strings
- Boxing
Lesson 5
Variable Types (2): Pointers
- Pointer Notation
- Unsafe Code
- Pointers, Methods and Arrays
Lesson 6
- Single-Dimensional Arrays
- Rectangular Arrays
- Jagged Arrays
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
- Overloading operators
Lesson 9
Flow Control (1): Loop Statements
- while loops
- do-while loops
- for loops
- foreach loops
Lesson 10
Flow Control (2): Jump and Selection Statements
- Jump Statements
- Selection Statements
Lesson 11
Introducing Classes, Structs and Namespaces
- Classes and Types
- Inheritance
- Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- Nested Classes
- Structs
- Namespaces
Lesson 12
Class Declaration
- Attributes
- Class Modifiers
- Class Base
- Interface Declarations
Lesson 13
Introducing Methods
- Attributes
- Method Modifiers
- Formal Parameters
- Parameter Passing
- The params modifier
- Return Type
- Method Overloading
Lesson 14
Polymorphism (Inherited Methods)
- Method Overriding
- Method Hiding
Lesson 15
Constants, Fields, Properties and Indexers
- Fields
- Constants
- Properties
- Indexers
Lesson 16
Delegates and Events
- Delegate Declaration and Instantiation
- Events
Lesson 17
Lesson 18
Using the C# Compiler
- Preprocessor Directives
- Attributes
Lesson 19
Code Documentation
- C# Documentation Comments
- Generating C# Documentation
- Problems with the C# Documenter
- The Softsteel Documenter
Lesson 20
Further References
Lesson 21
[2.0] Generics
Lesson 22
[2.0] Anonymous Methods
Lesson 23
[2.0] Iterators
Lesson 24
[2.0] Partial Types
Lesson 25
[2.0] Nullable Types

all tutorials
C# Tutorial
the C# tutorial
1 .NET Framework
2 C# vs C++/Java
3 'hello world'
4 variable types
5 pointers
6 arrays
7 enumerations
8 operators
9 loops
10 jump/selection
11 classes...
12 ...declaration
13 methods
14 polymorphism
15 constants...
16 delegates...
17 exceptions
18 compiler
19 documentation
20 references
C# books (Int)
C# books (UK)
patchwork book
21 [2.0] generics

22 [2.0] anon. methods

23 [2.0] iterators

24 [2.0] partial...

25 [2.0] nullable...


An Introduction to ASP .NET using Visual Basic .NET
By Peter McMahon
This book is aimed primarily at three groups of people. First, those readers who are Visual Basic programmers and wish to learn how to develop Web applications using ASP.NET by applying what they’ve learned in Visual Basic. = Second, current ASP programmers who wish to learn how to become more productive using the completely new, yet familiar, ASP.NET programming model and the Visual Studio .NET IDE. Third, current ASP and Visual Basic programmers who wish to merge their skills to increase their productivity.
This book assumes no previous knowledge of building Web applications or even simple, static Web pages using hand-coded HTML. There is a chapter dedicated to getting Visual Basic programmers without any HTML or Web building knowledge up to speed. However, this book does assume previous experience with the Visual Basic programming language or a previous subset thereof, VBScript. Included is a section showing the differences between VBScript (and previous versions of Visual Basic) and the Visual Basic .NET language that should prevent some of the subtleties of the language from causing any problems. Knowledge of object-oriented programming is advantageous, although not essential.
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Mastering™ Visual Basic® .NET
By Evangelos Petroutsos
You don’t need to know Visual Basic to read Mastering Visual Basic .NET, but you do need a basic understanding of programming. You need to know the meaning of variables and functions and how an If…Then structure works. This book is addressed to the typical programmer who wants to get the most out of Visual Basic. It covers the topics I feel are of use to most VB programmers, and it does so in depth. Visual Basic .NET is an extremely rich programming environment, and I’ve had to choose between superficial coverage of many topics and in-depth coverage of fewer topics. To makeroom for more topics, I have avoided including a lot of reference material and lengthy listings. For example, you won’t find complete project listings or Form descriptions. I assume you can draw a few controls on a Form and set their properties, and you don’t need long descriptions of the properties of the control. I’m also assuming that you don’t want to read the trivial segments of each application. Instead, the listings concentrate on the “meaty” part of the code: the procedures that explain the topic at hand. If you want to see the complete listing, it’s all on the CD.
The topics covered in this book were chosen to provide a solid understanding of the principles and techniques for developing applications with Visual Basic. Programming isn’t about new keywords and functions. I chose the topics I felt every programmer should learn in order to master the language. I was also motivated by my desire to present useful, practical examples. You will not find all topics equally interesting or important. My hope is that everyone will find something interesting and something of value to their daily work—whether it’s an application that maps the folders and files of a drive to a TreeView control, an application that prints tabular data, or an application that saves a collection of objects to a file.
Many books offer their readers long, numbered sequences of steps to accomplish something. Following instructions simplifies certain tasks, but programming isn’t about following instructions. It’s about being creative; it’s about understanding principles and being able to apply the same techniques in several practical situations. And the way to creatively exploit the power of a language such as Visual Basic .NET is to understand its principles and its programming model.
In many cases, I provide a detailed, step-by-step procedure that will help you accomplish a task, such as designing a menu. But not all tasks are as simple as designing menus. I explain why things must be done in a certain way, and I present alternatives and try to connect new topics to those explained earlier in the book. In several chapters, I expand on applications developed in earlier chapters. Associating new knowledge to something you have already mastered provides positive feedback and a deeper understanding of the language.
This book isn’t about the hottest features of the language; it’s about solid programming techniques and practical examples. For example, I’m not going to show you how to write multithreaded applications. The real challenge with multithreaded applications is their debugging, which requires substantial experience. Once you master the basics of programming Windows applications with Visual Basic .NET and you feel comfortable with the more advanced examples of the book, you will find it easy to catch up with the topics that aren’t discussed.
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Moving to ASP.NET: Web Development with VB .NET
By Steve Harris and Rob Macdonald
BY NOW, MOST DEVELOPERS will have heard of ASP.NET and will have seen it in action. In fact, it’s a pretty sure bet that if you’ve bought this book then you already have it installed, maybe with Visual Studio .NET, and there’s a good chance you’ve tried a few things out. You probably already know that ASP.NET brings an objectoriented and event-driven programming model to the world of Web development and that it can dramatically simplify the structure and creation of Web applications. You might, like us, be really excited about the possibilities and improvements it brings, or you might just see it as a tool you can use to save a bit of time so you can get to the game earlier or spend more time with your kids. Either way, you can’t afford to ignore it—ASP.NET is big news and plays a key role in Microsoft’s .NET strategy.
ASP.NET solves many of the problems that currently face Web developers, and it greatly simplifies the tasks of creating, debugging, and deploying Web applications. It’s radically different from its predecessors in many ways, but it shares a common heritage and background to some. It requires that you learn new skills and forget about some you already have. It’ll take time to master, but that investment will be repaid many times over once you start working with it in earnest. In short, it’s what many Web developers have been asking for over the past few years.
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Visual Basic .NET For Object-Oriented Programmers
© 2006 Webucator
The Visual Basic .NET training course concisely covers the essentials of Windows programming using Microsoft’s VB.NET programming language. It starts with a brief chapter, “.NET: What You Need To Know,” which gets you up and running in the .NET environment with a minimum of fuss. The next two chapters cover VB.NET language essentials and object-oriented programming in VB.NET. The next chapter discusses how VB.NET relates to the .NET Framework. The following chapter provides a succinct introduction to creating GUI programs using Windows Forms. The course concludes with an overview of the new VB.NET features provided by .NET 2.0, including example programs to illustrate each important new feature.
Acquire a working knowledge of VB.NET programming
Learn about important interactions between VB.NET and the .NET Framework
Learn how to implement simple GUI programs using Windows Forms
Gain a working knowledge of generic types and other new features in VB.NET 2.0.
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Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET is the complete technical guide to upgrading Visual Basic 6 applications to Visual Basic .NET, covering all upgrade topics from APIs to ZOrders. It shows how to fix upgrade issues with forms, language, data access, and COM+ Services, and how to upgrade applications with XML Web services, ADO.NET, and .NET remoting. It also provides big-picture architectural advice, a reference of function and object model changes, hundreds of before-and-after code samples, and a CD packed with useful examples.
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Beginning VB.NET, 2nd edition
From vbip.com
Book overviewVisual Basic .NET is the latest version of the most widely used programming language in the world, popular with professional developers and complete beginners alike. This book will teach you Visual Basic .NET from first principles. You'll quickly and easily learn how to write Visual Basic .NET code and create attractive windows and forms for the users of your applications. To get you started on the road to professional development, you'll also learn about object-oriented programming, creating your own controls, working with databases, creating menus, and working with graphics.
This second edition has been thoroughly tested on the full release version of .NET. The book is written in the proven Wrox beginning style with clear explanations and plenty of code samples. Every new concept is explained thoroughly with Try It Out examples and there are end-of-chapter questions to test yourself.
This book covers:
Installing Visual Basic .NET
How to write Visual Basic .NET code
What the .NET Framework is and why it's important
Controlling the flow through your application with loops and branching structures
Creating useful windows and screens
Creating your own menus
A complete introduction to object-oriented programming
Working with graphics
Creating your own controls
Accessing databases with ADO.NET
Creating applications for the Web
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Programming VB.NET - A Guide For Experienced Programmers
Gary Cornell
Jonathan Morrison
THIS BOOK IS ACOMPREHENSIVE, hands-on guide to the Visual Basic .NET programming language addressed to readers with some programming background. No background in Visual Basic is required, however.
While I show you the syntax of VB .NET, this book is not designed to teach you syntax. I have taken this approach because trying to force VB .NET into the framework of older versions of VB is ultimately self-defeating—you cannot take advantage of its power if you continue to think within an older paradigm.
First off, I have tried to give you a complete treatment of object-oriented programming in the context of the VB .NET language. I feel pretty strongly that without a firm foundation here, it is impossible to take full advantage of the power that VB .NET can bring to you.
Also, I have tried to cover at the least the fundamentals of every technique that a professional VB .NET developer will need to master. This includes topics like multithreading, which are too often skimped on in most books. This does not mean that I cover all the possible (or even the majority of) applications of VB .NET to the .NET platform; that would take a book two or three times the size of this one. This is a book about the techniques you need to master, not the applications themselves. (I have tried to make most of the examples realistic, avoiding toy code as much as possible.)
Finally, since most people reading this book will have programmed with some version of Visual Basic before, I have also tried to be as clear about the differences between VB .NET and earlier versions of VB as I could. However, I want to stress that this book does not assume any knowledge of earlier versions of VB, just some programming experience.
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A Programmer’s Introduction to Visual Basic.NET
By Craig Utley
Sams Publishing
This book is meant to give you a head start on the changes from Visual Basic to Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET). Most of the book assumes that you are comfortable with Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6), so the book endeavors to be a quick introduction to the major differences between VB6 and the new VB.NET.
I’ve been using Visual Basic since version 1.0. The most dramatic shift had been in the move from VB3 to VB4, when class modules were introduced, and VB started on its long, slow path to becoming object oriented. For the first time, you could build COM components in VB, leading to an explosion in n-tier application development. VB4 brought COM development to the average programmer, so it was no longer a technology known only to a few C++ developers.
When I first started looking at the differences between VB6 and VB.NET, I realized that the change would be even more significant than it had been from VB3 to VB4. I thought it would be good to put together a book that helped VB6 developers transition to VB.NET. To that end, I pitched the idea for a book named something like Migrating from VB to VB.NET to a couple of different companies. Sams Publishing liked the idea, and one day they called me and asked me about doing a miniature version of the book…in three weeks.
I don’t know who was crazier: Sams, for asking for the book in three weeks, or me, for agreeing to do it. Then, Sams said they were giving the book away, and I thought they had really lost it. Still, the mission was clear: create a book that targets Visual Studio.NET, Beta 1. Then, the day after I finished the book on Beta 1, Sams made the decision to release a book based on Beta 2 instead. Although I can’t say I was thrilled, I think it was the right decision. There were significant changes between Beta 1 and Beta 2. Microsoft says there will be far fewer changes between Beta 2 and the final product, so this book should have a much longer shelf life than a book based on Beta 1.
There is no doubt: VB.NET will be an exciting change for us all. There is so much new material to learn that it can be somewhat daunting at first. However, the benefits of the .NET Framework are significant, and in the end can greatly reduce the effort required today to build enterprise-ready distributed applications.
This book will be followed by a much more comprehensive book based on the final version of Visual Studio.NET (VS.NET). The good news is that, as previously mentioned, the changes between Beta 2 and the final product should be far less dramatic than those changes between Beta 1 and Beta 2. Having said that, however, realize that there will be changes before Visual Studio is released.
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ASP.NET Web Developer's Guide
By Mesbah Ahmed, Chris Garrett, Jeremy Faircloth, and Chris Payne
Since 1996, ASP programmers have faced one upgrade after another, often with no extremely visible advantages until version 3.x—it’s been quite a wild ride. Now we have the first significant improvement in ASP programming within our grasp —ASP.NET. Our reliance on a watered-down version of Visual Basic has been alleviated now that ASP.NET pages may be programmed in both Microsoft’s new and more powerful version of Visual Basic or the latest version of C++: C#, which is more Web friendly.ASP.NET allows programmers and developers to work with both VB.NET and C# within the same ASP.NET page. .NET itself is a milestone for Microsoft; it marks Microsoft’s entry into the “run once, run everywhere” compiler market alongside Java and Ruby. .NET is also notable for its extreme flexibility; unlike the other choices available, .NET allows the programmer to use any number of .NET-compliant languages to create its code (however, as of this writing, only VB.NET and C# are allowed for ASP.NET) and have it run anywhere through the robust .NET Framework.Visual Basic and C++ have undergone changes as well; Visual Basic was already somewhat Web-oriented through its sibling,Visual Basic Script (VBS).
Since VBS was not visually orientated, like Visual Basic, this meant that a lot of the prewritten code employed by Visual Basic did not create performance issues.This did mean, however, that VBS was not graced with an IDE to debug or troubleshoot with, making the server logs and the browser error messages a programmer’s only hope of figuring out what went wrong and where.The lack of an IDE led to several complications and eventually programmers had to create their own error-handling system, usually consisting of a log file and e-mail notification.
VBS had another obstacle to overcome in attempting to offer programmers more than what originally was basically a scaled-down version of Visual Basic.VBS lacked many of Visual Basic’s strong features due to the way that the IIS was limited at the time, especially with object creation and cleanup. Programmers experienced code or objects locking up before destruction, rampant memory leaks, and even buffer overflows that were caused by IIS, not by the code itself.
With .NET in general,Visual Basic and VBS are now one and the same. All of the Web-oriented abilities of VBS have been given to Visual Basic and it has received a significant retooling of the language and syntax. Many previous problems, such as poor memory management and object control, have been resolved by the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) and internal programming additions, such as the inclusion of the Try/Catch error-handling system and more low-level abilities than before. All in all,Visual Basic can now be called a true programming language.
C++ retained all the aspects that made it a powerful programming language, such as its excellent object control and error-handling techniques, in its new version, C#. It has now gained a very good IDE as well as being more Web-based, a trait that can be attributed to the .NET Framework and ASP.NET. It is expected that many programmers will still use C# for object control while combining it with Visual Basic’s ease of use for GUI and presentation.
This book is meant to show all ASP programmers, new and old, just how powerful ASP.NET now is. Unlike ASP 1.x through 3.x, which worked in Windows 95 through the Personal Web Server tool, you will need at least Windows 2000, all the latest service packs, Internet Explorer 6, IIS 5.x (up to date), and the .NET SDK installed. As of this writing, the latest version of .NET is Beta 2, which covers the framework,ASP, and its programming languages. Remember, this book is meant to be an introduction to ASP.NET, not VB.NET or C#. If you need a good book on VB.NET or C#, I recommend looking to two other books published by Syngress Publishing: The VB.NET Developer’s Guide (ISBN 1-928994-48-2) and The C#.NET Web Developer’s Guide (ISBN 1-928994-50-4).
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An Introduction to ASP .NET using Visual Basic .NET
By Peter McMahon
This book is aimed primarily at three groups of people. First, those readers who are Visual Basic programmers and wish to learn how to develop Web applications using ASP.NET by applying what they’ve learned in Visual Basic. = Second, current ASP programmers who wish to learn how to become more productive using the completely new, yet familiar, ASP.NET programming model and the Visual Studio .NET IDE. Third, current ASP and Visual Basic programmers who wish to merge their skills to increase their productivity.
This book assumes no previous knowledge of building Web applications or even simple, static Web pages using hand-coded HTML. There is a chapter dedicated to getting Visual Basic programmers without any HTML or Web building knowledge up to speed. However, this book does assume previous experience with the Visual Basic programming language or a previous subset thereof, VBScript. Included is a section showing the differences between VBScript (and previous versions of Visual Basic) and the Visual Basic .NET language that should prevent some of the subtleties of the language from causing any problems. Knowledge of object-oriented programming is advantageous, although not essential.
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Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX documentation includes overviews, tutorials, and API reference topics.
IntroductionMicrosoft ASP.NET AJAX enables you to quickly create Web pages that include a rich user experience with responsive and familiar user interface (UI) elements. ASP.NET AJAX provides client-script libraries that incorporate cross-browser ECMAScript (JavaScript) and dynamic HTML (DHTML) technologies, and it integrates them with the ASP.NET 2.0 server-based development platform. By using ASP.NET AJAX, you can improve the user experience and the efficiency of your Web applications.
Why Use ASP.NET AJAX?ASP.NET AJAX enables you to build rich Web applications that have many advantages over Web applications that are completely server-based. ASP.NET AJAX applications offer:
Improved efficiency by performing significant parts of a Web page's processing in the browser.
Familiar UI elements such as progress indicators, tooltips, and pop-up windows.
Partial-page updates that refresh only the parts of the Web page that have been updated.
Client integration with ASP.NET application services for forms authentication and user profiles.
Integration of data from different sources through calls to Web services.
A framework that simplifies customization of server controls to include client capabilities.
Support for the most popular and generally used browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari.
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Building Secure ASP.NET Applications: Authentication, Authorization, and Secure Communication
By J.D. Meier, Alex Mackman, Michael Dunner, and Srinath Vasireddy
This guide presents a practical, scenario driven approach to designing and building secure ASP.NET applications for Windows 2000 and version 1.0 of the .NET Framework. It focuses on the key elements of authentication, authorization, and secure communication within and across the tiers of distributed .NET Web applications. (This roadmap: 6 printed pages; the entire guide: 608 printed pages)
This guide focuses on:
Authentication (to identify the clients of your application)
Authorization (to provide access controls for those clients)
Secure communication (to ensure that messages remain private and are not altered by unauthorized parties)
Why authentication, authorization, and secure communication?Security is a broad topic. Research has shown that early design of authentication and authorization eliminates a high percentage of application vulnerabilities. Secure communication is an integral part of securing your distributed application to protect sensitive data, including credentials, passed to and from your application, and between application tiers.
There are many technologies used to build .NET Web applications. To build effective application-level authentication and authorization strategies, you need to understand how to fine-tune the various security features within each product and technology area, and how to make them work together to provide an effective, defense-in-depth security strategy. This guide will help you do just that.
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Inside ASP.NET Web Matrix
By Alex Homer and Dave Sussman
During its relatively short but spectacularly successful life, Microsoft® Active Server Pages (ASP) has grown from a simple scripting environment for creating dynamic Web pages into a powerful and easy-to-use platform for fully-fledged Web application development. In its latest incarnation, ASP.NET, it provides a complete solution for building almost any type of interactive user interface, as well as for implementing extensive back-end processing operations.
However, despite the many powerful features of ASP, choosing a comprehensive and usable development environment in which to create ASP applications was never easy. Many third parties provide ASP support in their products, for example HomeSite and Macromedia UltraDev (among others) support ASP 3.0, and, of course, Microsoft's own Visual Studio 6.0 included InterDev – which was also available as a standalone product.
With the advent of .NET, support for ASP.NET development has been fully integrated into Visual Studio .NET. It provides an extremely powerful and usable environment for ASP.NET development in the guise of Web Forms, as well as the more traditional types of application (Windows Forms). And now Visual Studio .NET is joined by another Microsoft product, namely the Microsoft ASP.NET Web Matrix Project (referred to from here on in as "Web Matrix").
At the time of writing, Web Matrix has just been released as a Beta 1 product. The whole nature of the Microsoft ASP.NET Web Matrix project is that it will develop and grow based on feedback from the community that uses it, so the feature set will evolve over time. You should also keep in mind that, as this is a Beta product, there are quite a few features that are not yet fully implemented (so some things you may expect to see are missing).
However, even at this stage Web Matrix is an extremely usable and efficient tool, and certainly well worth installing and experimenting with. In time, it will, without doubt, mature and be extended to provide many more of the features required for building Web sites and Web applications using ASP.NET.
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An Introduction to ASP.NET
From dogus.edu.tr
ASP.NET is a managed framework that facilitates building server-side applications based on HTTP, HTML, XML and SOAP. To .NET developers, ASP.NET is a platform that provides one-stop shopping for all application development that requires the processing of HTTP requests.
A platform on a platform
ASP.NET is a managed framework that facilitates building server-side applications based on HTTP, HTML, XML and SOAP
ASP.NET supports building HTML-based applications with Web forms, server-side controls and data binding
ASP.NET supports building non-visual request handlers and Web services
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Moving to ASP.NET: Web Development with VB .NET
By Steve Harris and Rob Macdonald
BY NOW, MOST DEVELOPERS will have heard of ASP.NET and will have seen it in action. In fact, it’s a pretty sure bet that if you’ve bought this book then you already have it installed, maybe with Visual Studio .NET, and there’s a good chance you’ve tried a few things out. You probably already know that ASP.NET brings an objectoriented and event-driven programming model to the world of Web development and that it can dramatically simplify the structure and creation of Web applications. You might, like us, be really excited about the possibilities and improvements it brings, or you might just see it as a tool you can use to save a bit of time so you can get to the game earlier or spend more time with your kids. Either way, you can’t afford to ignore it—ASP.NET is big news and plays a key role in Microsoft’s .NET strategy.
ASP.NET solves many of the problems that currently face Web developers, and it greatly simplifies the tasks of creating, debugging, and deploying Web applications. It’s radically different from its predecessors in many ways, but it shares a common heritage and background to some. It requires that you learn new skills and forget about some you already have. It’ll take time to master, but that investment will be repaid many times over once you start working with it in earnest. In short, it’s what many Web developers have been asking for over the past few years.
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ASP.Net with C# - The Basis
By Vijay Mukhi
ASP.Net provides the most powerful environment for development of sophisticated, real-life business applications. It was only natural for us to get sucked into the vortex of the exciting opportunity that this language provides, to satiate our technical appetite. This book presents a realistic tableau of the vast repertoire of features of the ASP.Net language. We have scythed through the maze of technological jargon to present to you, in a simple yet comprehensive manner, all the salient features of the language.
The book commences with the assumption that you are a programming tyro, with no previous knowledge of ASP.Net or C#. It however, expects you to have a working knowledge of the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). The book covers the length and breadth of the ASP.Net framework. Since the C# language has been used for programming, the fundamentals of this language have also been covered.
The book begins with the basics of the ASP.Net and C#. Thereafter, it moves on to the built-in controls of ASP.Net. Next, it demonstrates how you can build your own custom controls. The text then veers on to the concepts of the built-in C# classes, and shows you how to build your own custom classes. It also covers the myriad aspects of handling databases, advanced concepts of controls, mysteries of Cookies, CGI Progamming and state management,Web Services and finally a Class Browser Application. It finally winds up with a peek into the security issues of designing an Internet application using ASP.Net. Thus, you’ll be able to appreciate, that a vast array of technical concepts of ASP.Net have been covered by this book.
This book is teeming with examples and explanations that discuss each concept threadbare. The various disparate concepts have been woven together to create a beautiful tapestry of the ASP.Net language. It has always been our modus operandi to break up large programs into smaller fragments, comprehend each fragment thoroughly and subsequently, synthesize all the fragments together to retrieve the original program. The same strategy has been employed in this book also. Each concept has been substantiated with examples so that you can see how each concept is implemented in real-life applications.
In our books, we have presented examples that emulate a concept supplied in the documentation, or some idea we found on the Internet. However, some of the concepts introduced are purely ours, and thus original. As far as we are concerned, you are free to use our accepted wisdom, as long as someone somewhere in the world benefits from it.
We are sanguine that this book will go a long way in providing ample food for thought, to sate the technological hunger of your minds. We implore you to put in sedulous effort in mastering this language, by reading all the material provided to you in this book with sincerity, and also by trying out all the examples that have been presented. We are confident that on doing so, you will be able to scale dizzying heights in the world of Internet programming.