सोमवार, 22 अक्टूबर 2007


C# Tutorial Contents
Lesson 1
Introducing the .NET framework
Lesson 2
Comparing C# to C++ and Java
- C# versus Java
- C# versus C++
Lesson 3
Getting Started
- A First C# Program: 'Hello World'
Lesson 4
Variable Types (1): Reference Types and Value Types
- Value Types
- Reference Types
- Escape Sequences and Verbatim Strings
- Boxing
Lesson 5
Variable Types (2): Pointers
- Pointer Notation
- Unsafe Code
- Pointers, Methods and Arrays
Lesson 6
- Single-Dimensional Arrays
- Rectangular Arrays
- Jagged Arrays
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
- Overloading operators
Lesson 9
Flow Control (1): Loop Statements
- while loops
- do-while loops
- for loops
- foreach loops
Lesson 10
Flow Control (2): Jump and Selection Statements
- Jump Statements
- Selection Statements
Lesson 11
Introducing Classes, Structs and Namespaces
- Classes and Types
- Inheritance
- Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- Nested Classes
- Structs
- Namespaces
Lesson 12
Class Declaration
- Attributes
- Class Modifiers
- Class Base
- Interface Declarations
Lesson 13
Introducing Methods
- Attributes
- Method Modifiers
- Formal Parameters
- Parameter Passing
- The params modifier
- Return Type
- Method Overloading
Lesson 14
Polymorphism (Inherited Methods)
- Method Overriding
- Method Hiding
Lesson 15
Constants, Fields, Properties and Indexers
- Fields
- Constants
- Properties
- Indexers
Lesson 16
Delegates and Events
- Delegate Declaration and Instantiation
- Events
Lesson 17
Lesson 18
Using the C# Compiler
- Preprocessor Directives
- Attributes
Lesson 19
Code Documentation
- C# Documentation Comments
- Generating C# Documentation
- Problems with the C# Documenter
- The Softsteel Documenter
Lesson 20
Further References
Lesson 21
[2.0] Generics
Lesson 22
[2.0] Anonymous Methods
Lesson 23
[2.0] Iterators
Lesson 24
[2.0] Partial Types
Lesson 25
[2.0] Nullable Types

all tutorials
C# Tutorial
the C# tutorial
1 .NET Framework
2 C# vs C++/Java
3 'hello world'
4 variable types
5 pointers
6 arrays
7 enumerations
8 operators
9 loops
10 jump/selection
11 classes...
12 ...declaration
13 methods
14 polymorphism
15 constants...
16 delegates...
17 exceptions
18 compiler
19 documentation
20 references
C# books (Int)
C# books (UK)
patchwork book
21 [2.0] generics

22 [2.0] anon. methods

23 [2.0] iterators

24 [2.0] partial...

25 [2.0] nullable...

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